Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Boys

Here are my awesome little men.

Jaren is 8 this year. It was really exciting to watch him get baptized. Mike was able to give him the Holy Ghost and it was so nice to see 3 families come together to support him without any drama. Everyone was there for Jaren and the love and spirit felt that day were strong. Jaren is making his way through 3rd grade this year. He loves to read and is a full 2 grades ahead on his reading skills. He also loves to dance. He is waiting patiently to be involved in an all boys hip hop group here in Roy. Gangnam Style is his favorite song and dance right now. You should see his moves!

Ozzy is 6. We are looking forward to putting him in football next fall when he will finally be old enough. We are convinced with his speed and athleticism that he will make a great receiver or running back! He is pretty sure of it too. The classroom is another place that Ozzy excels. He is at the top of his class and can speak more Spanish than his mama now. He comes straight home and hops on his homework, he will finish the whole weeks worth of homework in one night. His tenderness also hits me hard as he is always the first to hug and kiss me and tell me what a great mom I am.

Ty is 3 this year. He is my little spitfire. This kid can throw a tantrum like no other. Its very impressive. On the other hand he has the cutest giggle. It is infectious and I love making him laugh. He does not like video games. He would much rather be outside with Dad or helping me do whatever. I love that about him. He doesn't start school for another 3 years but he already knows his alphabet, his numbers to 20 and a few site words. And he will sing you the spider-man over and over and over.

These two are either best friends or worst enemies. I think they are going to be super tight when they get older. It will just be up to me to make sure they don't kill each other before they get to that point.

I am so grateful for the privilege of raising these special spirits. Sometimes its an overwhelming responsibility but I hope that I am teaching them to love, serve, respect, work, and play in a way that keeps them happy and is pleasing to Heavenly Father.

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