Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Want to be on Mike's Team

We wrestle alot in our family. Mike always wins. The boys are starting to catch on. Jaren has had it figured out for a while and always asks to be on Mike's team. Ozzy and Ty are usually with me.The other day Mike saw Ozzy on the couch very intently counting all this play money we had. He spent a good twenty minutes on the couch counting very carefully. Then he came to Mike and this conversation followed:

Ozzy: "Mike, if I pay you money I am on your team ok?"

Mike: "I don't know, how much you got?"
Ozzy: "You can have it all. I have $380."
Mike: "Ok. But you have to tell your mom."
Ozzy comes running and happily tells me that he is going to win because he paid Mike to be on his team. 

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